-To start living the Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. It is time. We have talked and talked about it but now it is time to put it to action.
-To run a 5K or maybe a few. I know that isn't very far but for someone who doesn't really love to run, it is a lot. That is another resolution I just thought of....I'm going to "embrace" running. I may even learn to like it.
-Food Storage. Food Storage. Food Storage. I don't even have a follow up for this. It just needs to happen.
- To continue the gratitude list. I feel like this is so important. We need to always have a song of gratitude in our hearts. It is like the basis for everything.
-I feel like every year I make the New Year's resolution to lose weight and here it is again. I have about 10-15 more pounds to get to my goal weight. Wish me luck.
-Yoga. Not much to this one...I just want to continue going at least twice a week and preferably 3 times a week. I love it. It feels so good to me and my soul :)!!
So I'm sure I'll think of more but we'll just start with these. Have you been thinking of your goals?