Sunday, February 1, 2009


So I have been the worst blogger ever.  Maybe it is because I don't want to have to account for my New Years Resolutions yet....I have been eating to many Graham Crackers to lose my 10 pounds yet.  Bet luck next month I guess.  Things have been pretty busy.  Jeff started his MBA program last week and seems to think that I too, am earning my MBA.  We been spending a lot of time getting that all figured out.  I just wanted to post these pictures quickly.  We had a little extra time on our hands this week at work...and look what came of it...
Great editing done by our physicist at work...funny isn't it?  You should see some of the others.  Have a good night...


megship said...

Come on, haven't I told you? Blondes DO have more fun! Join us! You look great! Anyway, I am starting to think you don't like free dinners...

mckenna said...

I'm such a fan of the bangs. Oh my! :)

Rachel said...

I am laughing so hard...Do you want to do that? I can.

Natalie said...

Ha Ha - I am so gullible. As soon as it popped up on the screen, I thought you really had cut your hair. I remember that you once were blonde (yep, still waiting to see that picture), so I thought - maybe she DID go for it again?!
That pic is awesome! I think it should be your facebook profile pic.
I'm so glad you're blogging again. You have such a way of writing and it is so fun to read!

Kristin said...

Ok i will be honest since it is fake. I was a little scared at first until i realize that yes it was you under that hair and that it wasn't permanent!

Kim Burnham said...

oh my! I just had a flashback to your :blonde" days in college! what a cutie you are - you're fun even when you're "bored!"

Kelli Hawkes said...

Nice! I wish we had that much time on our hands at LD.....wink wink